Statistics & Research about Upper Chichester,PA - Absolute Insurance Agency

Here are some statistics & research about Upper Chichester,PA an area served by Absolute Insurance Agency

Phone : (610) 494-0500

Real estate research for area nearby Absolute Insurance Agency

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Upper Moreland 263,600 1121 5.1
Riverton 297,300 973 3.9
Bridgeport 200,700 910 5.4
Paoli 326,400 1196 4.4
Bryn Athyn 453,100 1270 3.4
Pike Creek 324,900 1537 5.7
East Marlborough 426,800 1500 4.2
Montgomery County 296,000 1102 4.5
Haddon 249,500 982 4.7
West Pikeland 497,800 1242 3.0

Number of whites in places near by Absolute Insurance Agency

Place name Number of whites
Upper Moreland 20892
Riverton 2652
Bridgeport 4130
Paoli 4676
Bryn Athyn 1354
Pike Creek 6406
East Marlborough 6548
Montgomery County 657641
Haddon 13700
West Pikeland 3896
Morton 1797
Penn Wynne 4534
Caln 10779
East Brandywine 6733
Evesham 39836

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by Absolute Insurance Agency

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Upper Moreland 3667
Riverton 466
Bridgeport 862
Paoli 982
Bryn Athyn 92
Pike Creek 1443
East Marlborough 969
Montgomery County 116114
Haddon 2910
West Pikeland 394
Morton 378
Penn Wynne 899
Caln 3326
East Brandywine 1072
Evesham 6626

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Absolute Insurance Agency

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Upper Moreland 289600
Riverton 337500
Bridgeport 155000
Paoli 337700
Bryn Athyn 607100
Pike Creek 350000
East Marlborough 466500
Montgomery County 299200
Haddon 277700
West Pikeland 523700
Morton 129400
Penn Wynne 418800
Caln 198200
East Brandywine 319400
Evesham 276700

Number of new houses in places near by Absolute Insurance Agency

Place name Number of new houses
Montgomery County 348200