Statistics & Research about Conshohocken,PA - Affiliated Ins Service Corp

Here are some statistics & research about Conshohocken,PA an area served by Affiliated Ins Service Corp

Phone : 610-940-0750

Car dealers nearby Affiliated Ins Service Corp

Conicelli Autoplex

Conicelli Autoplex , 1200 Ridge Pike,Conshohocken, PA, 19428 , Sales: 888-289-5948
Phone: 888-289-5948


Address: 1001 West Ridge Pike.Conshohocken ,PA,19428 PH610-279-1374
Phone: 610-279-1374

Real estate research for area nearby Affiliated Ins Service Corp

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Upper Makefield 672,900 1488 2.7
Newtown 468,200 1063 2.7
Quakertown 193,800 883 5.5
Narberth 416,100 1150 3.3
Lambertville 351,500 1139 3.9
Folcroft 124,300 994 9.6
Delaware County 236,600 952 4.8
Penn Wynne 359,400 1261 4.2
Barrington 225,200 909 4.8

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Affiliated Ins Service Corp

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Upper Makefield 28
Newtown 150
Quakertown 698
Narberth 398
Lambertville 399
Folcroft 143
Delaware County 26154
Penn Wynne 202
Barrington 956
South Harrison 21
New Hanover 33
Norwood 403
Kulpsville 173

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Affiliated Ins Service Corp

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Upper Makefield 553900
Newtown 430000
Quakertown 222100
Narberth 512500
Lambertville 227300
Folcroft 131300
Delaware County 259000
Penn Wynne 354300
Barrington 264500
Churchville 383000
South Harrison 401700
New Hanover 233800
Norwood 171700
Kulpsville 218500

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Affiliated Ins Service Corp

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Tavistock 7
Upper Makefield 543
Newtown 90
Quakertown 72
Narberth 392
Lambertville 5
Folcroft 9
Delaware County 11635
Penn Wynne 269
Barrington 53
Churchville 121
South Harrison 74
New Hanover 180
Norwood 109
Kulpsville 48

Number of blacks in places near by Affiliated Ins Service Corp

Place name Number of blacks
Upper Makefield 65
Quakertown 151
Narberth 95
Lambertville 130
Folcroft 1607
Delaware County 110537
Penn Wynne 456
Barrington 191
Churchville 52
South Harrison 261
New Hanover 150
Norwood 173
Kulpsville 389