Statistics & Research about Glenside,PA - Christi Insurance Group

Here are some statistics & research about Glenside,PA an area served by Christi Insurance Group

Phone : 215-576-1250

Car dealers nearby Christi Insurance Group

Car Store Of Glenside

CarStore of Glenside 758 N. Easton Rd.
Phone: (215) 886-6088

Real estate research for area nearby Christi Insurance Group

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
White Horse 258,100 1175 5.5
Chester Heights 259,000 1394 6.5
Plumsteadville 370,100 1750 5.7
Downingtown 223,600 951 5.1
Upper Southampton 331,900 1233 4.5
Trappe 275,900 1274 5.5
Swarthmore 428,200 1035 2.9
Golden Triangle 223,800 1504 8.1
Roebling 178,100 1010 6.8
Yardley 328,600 1131 4.1

Number of whites in places near by Christi Insurance Group

Place name Number of whites
White Horse 7951
Chester Heights 2233
Plumsteadville 2769
Downingtown 6490
Upper Southampton 14464
Trappe 3195
Swarthmore 5252
Golden Triangle 3055
Roebling 3263
Yardley 2067
Willingboro 6224
Yardville 6806
Audubon 8500
Sanatoga 6860
Berwyn 3097

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Christi Insurance Group

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
White Horse 724
Chester Heights 135
Plumsteadville 432
Downingtown 510
Upper Southampton 1844
Trappe 405
Swarthmore 465
Golden Triangle 304
Roebling 255
Yardley 180
Willingboro 4759
Yardville 651
Audubon 686
Sanatoga 683
Berwyn 355

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Christi Insurance Group

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
White Horse 297900
Plumsteadville 260700
Downingtown 227600
Upper Southampton 337200
Trappe 273900
Swarthmore 166400
Golden Triangle 175000
Roebling 192800
Yardley 170800
Willingboro 176000
Yardville 299200
Audubon 225900
Sanatoga 233300
Berwyn 510400

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Christi Insurance Group

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
White Horse 256800
Chester Heights 343600
Plumsteadville 478100
Downingtown 240000
Upper Southampton 289300
Trappe 249200
Golden Triangle 528300
Roebling 379200
Yardley 359100
Willingboro 228000
Yardville 439400
Sanatoga 255800
Berwyn 1000001