Statistics & Research about New Castle,DE - Clark Baffone & Matthews Ins Agency Llc

Here are some statistics & research about New Castle,DE an area served by Clark Baffone & Matthews Ins Agency Llc

Phone : 302-322-2261

Car dealers nearby Clark Baffone & Matthews Ins Agency Llc

Gambacorta Motors, Inc.

975 Frenchtown Road. New Castle, DE 19720
New Castle,DE
Phone: 302-420-1600

Real estate research for area nearby Clark Baffone & Matthews Ins Agency Llc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Seabrook Farms 92,600 950 12.3
Odessa 301,200 1375 5.5
Devon 467,000 1475 3.8
Logan 231,100 1269 6.6
Shiloh 151,500 829 6.6
Chesapeake City 278,200 775 3.3
Gloucester County 232,400 1034 5.3
Swarthmore 428,200 1035 2.9
Woodbury Heights 221,100 1115 6.1
Middletown-Odessa 308,900 1138 4.4

Number of whites in places near by Clark Baffone & Matthews Ins Agency Llc

Place name Number of whites
Seabrook Farms 410
Odessa 352
Devon 1496
Logan 4759
Shiloh 506
Chesapeake City 603
Gloucester County 239402
Swarthmore 5252
Woodbury Heights 2879
Middletown-Odessa 38567
Highland 1105
Lower Chichester 2765
Mannington 1343
Clifton Heights 5091
Townsend 1275

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Clark Baffone & Matthews Ins Agency Llc

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Seabrook Farms 24
Logan 41
Shiloh 9
Chesapeake City 42
Gloucester County 8512
Swarthmore 251
Woodbury Heights 8
Middletown-Odessa 140
Highland 29
Lower Chichester 161
Mannington 21
Clifton Heights 666
Townsend 2

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Clark Baffone & Matthews Ins Agency Llc

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Odessa 328600
Devon 489500
Logan 228800
Shiloh 135400
Chesapeake City 208300
Gloucester County 218300
Swarthmore 166400
Woodbury Heights 226400
Middletown-Odessa 230200
Highland 241700
Lower Chichester 408300
Mannington 210900
Clifton Heights 253400
Townsend 245800

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Clark Baffone & Matthews Ins Agency Llc

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Seabrook Farms 19
Odessa 39
Devon 195
Logan 534
Shiloh 26
Chesapeake City 45
Gloucester County 29804
Swarthmore 465
Woodbury Heights 425
Middletown-Odessa 6457
Highland 126
Lower Chichester 117
Mannington 102
Clifton Heights 208
Townsend 210