Statistics & Research about Kennett Square,PA - Commercial Insurance Associates Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Kennett Square,PA an area served by Commercial Insurance Associates Inc

Phone : 610-925-3555

Car dealers nearby Commercial Insurance Associates Inc

Kennett Chevrolet

Kennett Square,PA

Real estate research for area nearby Commercial Insurance Associates Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Westtown 406,600 1630 4.8
Broomall 323,700 1106 4.1
Pike Creek 324,900 1537 5.7
Pennsbury 519,200 2001 4.6
Elk 304,300 809 3.2
Upper Oxford 280,300 1394 6.0
West Conshohocken 318,800 1486 5.6
Douglassville 177,700 993 6.7
Pottstown 138,300 762 6.6
Upper Chichester 234,400 935 4.8

Number of old houses in places near by Commercial Insurance Associates Inc

Place name Number of old houses
Westtown 466700
Broomall 331800
Pennsbury 388900
Elk 275000
Upper Oxford 256300
West Conshohocken 244600
Pottstown 119000
Upper Chichester 194300
Odessa 247900
Plymouth 245200
Lower Christiana 190800
Caernarvon 507400
Haverford 287900

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Commercial Insurance Associates Inc

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Westtown 176
Broomall 225
Pike Creek 18
Pennsbury 226
Elk 12
Upper Oxford 26
West Conshohocken 22
Douglassville 126
Pottstown 1614
Upper Chichester 738
Plymouth 907
Lower Christiana 1235
Caernarvon 54
Haverford 1237

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Commercial Insurance Associates Inc

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Westtown 415100
Broomall 320400
Pike Creek 266900
Pennsbury 416100
Elk 240000
Upper Oxford 292200
West Conshohocken 243800
Pottstown 169800
Upper Chichester 213700
Odessa 328600
Plymouth 330100
Lower Christiana 228500
Caernarvon 227700
Haverford 319800

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Commercial Insurance Associates Inc

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Westtown 433
Broomall 107
Pike Creek 70
Pennsbury 209
Elk 49
Upper Oxford 45
West Conshohocken 22
Douglassville 12
Pottstown 217
Upper Chichester 193
Odessa 12
Plymouth 272
Lower Christiana 283
Caernarvon 185
Haverford 1138