Statistics & Research about Warminster,PA - Fry & Bommentre Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Warminster,PA an area served by Fry & Bommentre Inc

Phone : 215-674-1155

Car dealers nearby Fry & Bommentre Inc

Tierney Auto Sales

Phone: 888-871-8066

Real estate research for area nearby Fry & Bommentre Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Holland 370,900 1353 4.4
Rockledge 249,000 834 4.0
Bucks County 315,600 1096 4.2
Morrisville 221,400 977 5.3
Perkasie 250,600 855 4.1
Leisuretowne 166,500 1164 8.4
Drexel Hill 206,400 889 5.2
Eagleville 321,700 1113 4.2
Echelon 206,500 1056 6.1
Princeton Junction 570,000 1536 3.2

Number of whites in places near by Fry & Bommentre Inc

Place name Number of whites
Holland 5038
Rockledge 2418
Bucks County 562737
Morrisville 6257
Perkasie 8424
Leisuretowne 3122
Drexel Hill 22982
Eagleville 3073
Echelon 6636
Princeton Junction 1810
Sanatoga 6860
Morton 1797
Alexandria 4848
Philadelphia 631799
Skippack 10853

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Fry & Bommentre Inc

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Holland 349
Rockledge 265
Bucks County 47288
Morrisville 851
Perkasie 532
Leisuretowne 2104
Drexel Hill 2220
Eagleville 310
Echelon 1210
Princeton Junction 132
Sanatoga 648
Morton 350
Alexandria 131
Philadelphia 146752
Skippack 645

Number of new houses in places near by Fry & Bommentre Inc

Place name Number of new houses
Bucks County 439600
Philadelphia 370500

Number of old houses in places near by Fry & Bommentre Inc

Place name Number of old houses
Holland 406800
Rockledge 253100
Bucks County 286000
Morrisville 221600
Perkasie 213800
Drexel Hill 244400
Eagleville 273700
Echelon 285900
Princeton Junction 376700
Sanatoga 207400
Morton 165900
Alexandria 325900
Philadelphia 118700
Skippack 318900