Statistics & Research about Gilbertsville,PA - J L Davis Insurance Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Gilbertsville,PA an area served by J L Davis Insurance Inc

Phone : 610-287-8440

Automotive shops nearby J L Davis Insurance Inc

Car Wash

50 Bartman Ave

Aamco Tramsmisions And Total Car Repair

3320 Hamilton Blvd

Jason S Repair & Performance

146 Keystone Dr
Phone: 2152573300

Car dealers nearby J L Davis Insurance Inc

Son Of David Auto Sales

Phone: (610) 212-6191

Real estate research for area nearby J L Davis Insurance Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Blandon 201,200 889 5.3
Upper Uwchlan 420,100 2001 5.7
Bedminster 390,000 1185 3.6
Pottstown 138,300 762 6.6
Gouglersville 169,600 589 4.2
Elverson 278,400 846 3.6
Trappe 275,900 1274 5.5
Lower Saucon 286,500 1049 4.4
Flying Hills 166,900 960 6.9
North Catasauqua 183,300 567 3.7

Number of whites in places near by J L Davis Insurance Inc

Place name Number of whites
Blandon 6575
Upper Uwchlan 8844
Bedminster 6351
Pottstown 16537
Gouglersville 243
Elverson 1167
Trappe 3195
Lower Saucon 10344
Flying Hills 2312
North Catasauqua 2718
Pomeroy 345
Dublin 2127
Kulpsville 6444
Red Hill 2291
Dauberville 970

Number of old houses in places near by J L Davis Insurance Inc

Place name Number of old houses
Blandon 78400
Upper Uwchlan 560200
Bedminster 526800
Pottstown 119000
Elverson 211600
Trappe 253800
Lower Saucon 238300
North Catasauqua 149100
Pomeroy 225000
Dublin 307800
Kulpsville 287500
Red Hill 213300
Dauberville 89000

Number of blacks in places near by J L Davis Insurance Inc

Place name Number of blacks
Blandon 184
Upper Uwchlan 36
Bedminster 49
Pottstown 4266
Trappe 132
Lower Saucon 42
Flying Hills 39
North Catasauqua 32
Dublin 5
Kulpsville 389
Red Hill 47

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by J L Davis Insurance Inc

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
Blandon 196900
Upper Uwchlan 459900
Bedminster 621700
Pottstown 146300
Gouglersville 212500
Elverson 283200
Trappe 345700
Lower Saucon 304600
Dublin 306500
Kulpsville 275200
Red Hill 173400
Dauberville 209900