Statistics & Research about Bensalem,PA - Michael Pigott Agency

Here are some statistics & research about Bensalem,PA an area served by Michael Pigott Agency

Phone : 215-245-7900

Car dealers nearby Michael Pigott Agency


Phone: (800) 254-3283

Real estate research for area nearby Michael Pigott Agency

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Upper Freehold 531,900 1043 2.4
Churchville 437,400 2001 5.5
Prospect Park 175,400 884 6.0
Upper Southampton 331,900 1233 4.5
Langhorne Manor 351,300 1100 3.8
Chesterfield 430,800 1335 3.7
Yeadon 149,200 821 6.6
Whitpain 426,500 1740 4.9
New Hanover 291,200 1972 8.1
Mount Laurel 266,200 1445 6.5

Number of whites in places near by Michael Pigott Agency

Place name Number of whites
Upper Freehold 5977
Churchville 3999
Prospect Park 6129
Upper Southampton 14464
Langhorne Manor 1248
Chesterfield 4545
Yeadon 953
Whitpain 16130
New Hanover 4465
Mount Laurel 32388
Upper Moreland 20892
Upper Merion 21553
Barrington 6395
Upper Dublin 21487
Folsom 7932

Number of old houses in places near by Michael Pigott Agency

Place name Number of old houses
Upper Freehold 558800
Churchville 381000
Prospect Park 187100
Upper Southampton 315600
Langhorne Manor 343800
Chesterfield 391100
Yeadon 147800
Whitpain 426500
New Hanover 258300
Mount Laurel 241700
Upper Moreland 230600
Upper Merion 254500
Barrington 195700
Upper Dublin 325800
Folsom 195500

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Michael Pigott Agency

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Upper Freehold 427100
Churchville 383000
Prospect Park 241300
Upper Southampton 337200
Langhorne Manor 282100
Chesterfield 386400
Yeadon 155800
Whitpain 374200
New Hanover 225000
Mount Laurel 313100
Upper Moreland 315700
Upper Merion 337100
Barrington 264500
Upper Dublin 395200
Folsom 220400

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Michael Pigott Agency

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Upper Freehold 543600
Upper Southampton 289300
Langhorne Manor 571400
Chesterfield 481400
Yeadon 1000001
Whitpain 639000
New Hanover 422500
Mount Laurel 381400
Upper Moreland 410300
Upper Merion 381100
Barrington 344700
Upper Dublin 754700
Folsom 351800