Statistics & Research about Hatboro,PA - Miller & Cornell Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Hatboro,PA an area served by Miller & Cornell Inc

Phone : 215-675-1627

Car dealers nearby Miller & Cornell Inc

Marks Auto Center Inc

MARKS AUTO CENTER INC 323 S Warminster Rd.Hatboro,PA,19040 PH215-672-8672
Phone: 215-672-8672

Real estate research for area nearby Miller & Cornell Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Marlborough 293,800 1298 5.3
Turnersville 292,000 2001 8.2
Bensalem 266,700 1073 4.8
Lower Frederick 253,400 1059 5.0
Camden County 218,700 967 5.3
Woodbury Heights 221,100 1115 6.1
Brooklawn 146,300 1097 9.0
Haycock 368,700 988 3.2
Bedminster 390,000 1185 3.6
Riverton 297,300 973 3.9

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Miller & Cornell Inc

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Marlborough 356
Turnersville 16
Bensalem 7226
Lower Frederick 357
Camden County 42248
Woodbury Heights 196
Brooklawn 329
Haycock 145
Bedminster 402
Riverton 125
Gibbsboro 106
Chesterfield 92
Juliustown 19
Croydon 840
Durham 63

Number of vacant houses in places near by Miller & Cornell Inc

Place name Number of vacant houses
Marlborough 138
Turnersville 9
Bensalem 3008
Lower Frederick 80
Camden County 16313
Woodbury Heights 90
Brooklawn 38
Haycock 67
Bedminster 303
Riverton 29
Chesterfield 68
Juliustown 19
Croydon 361
Durham 97

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Miller & Cornell Inc

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Marlborough 257
Turnersville 723
Bensalem 4075
Lower Frederick 388
Camden County 40775
Woodbury Heights 425
Brooklawn 116
Haycock 168
Bedminster 920
Riverton 239
Gibbsboro 177
Chesterfield 795
Juliustown 29
Croydon 770
Durham 182

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Miller & Cornell Inc

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Marlborough 72
Turnersville 58
Bensalem 667
Lower Frederick 22
Camden County 7866
Woodbury Heights 65
Brooklawn 10
Haycock 52
Bedminster 218
Riverton 158
Gibbsboro 80
Chesterfield 131
Juliustown 3
Croydon 58
Durham 61