Statistics & Research about Willow Grove,PA - Robert S Strobel Ins Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Willow Grove,PA an area served by Robert S Strobel Ins Inc

Phone : 267-781-0770

Car dealers nearby Robert S Strobel Ins Inc

Ride Smart Auto

Ride Smart Auto 2813 Easton Rd..Willow Grove,PA,19090 PH215-957-9970
Willow Grove,PA
Phone: 215-957-9970

Ridesmart Auto

RideSmart Auto, 2813 Easton Road (Rte 611) , Willow Grove, PA , 19090 , Sales: (877) 358-9034
Willow Grove,PA
Phone: (877) 358-9034

Real estate research for area nearby Robert S Strobel Ins Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Merchantville 237,800 1085 5.5
Durham 424,000 1161 3.3
Haddon Heights 281,900 1015 4.3
Solebury 528,600 1631 3.7
Audubon 224,200 925 5.0
Fort Washington 443,100 1417 3.8
Pottsgrove 229,300 854 4.5
West Windsor 587,100 1672 3.4
North Hanover 294,200 1545 6.3

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Robert S Strobel Ins Inc

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Merchantville 368
Durham 63
Haddon Heights 553
Solebury 874
Audubon 870
Fort Washington 357
Pottsgrove 124
West Windsor 2100
North Hanover 649
Trenton 8277
Thornbury 38
Warminster 2835
Wyncote 256
Springdale 477

Number of vacant houses in places near by Robert S Strobel Ins Inc

Place name Number of vacant houses
Merchantville 89
Durham 97
Haddon Heights 84
Solebury 500
Audubon 248
Tavistock 5
Fort Washington 73
Pottsgrove 26
West Windsor 308
North Hanover 389
Trenton 6940
Thornbury 44
Warminster 452
Wyncote 45
Springdale 191

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Robert S Strobel Ins Inc

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Merchantville 276100
Durham 449000
Haddon Heights 353100
Solebury 479500
Audubon 202800
Fort Washington 409200
Pottsgrove 233800
West Windsor 617700
North Hanover 344100
Trenton 183300
Thornbury 566100
Warminster 306100
Springdale 289200

Number of new houses in places near by Robert S Strobel Ins Inc

Place name Number of new houses
West Windsor 387100
Trenton 122100