Statistics & Research about Northampton,PA - Rubino Insurance Agency Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Northampton,PA an area served by Rubino Insurance Agency Inc

Phone : 610-253-6178

Real estate research for area nearby Rubino Insurance Agency Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Finesville 172500 NA NA
Rockledge 249,000 834 4.0
Franklin 336,500 1426 5.1
Trevose 266,200 1047 4.7
Ewing 243,900 1124 5.5
Swarthmore 428,200 1035 2.9
Franconia 302,400 1176 4.7
Folcroft 124,300 994 9.6
Hopewell 465,300 1687 4.4
Woodbury 177,500 842 5.7

Number of vacant houses in places near by Rubino Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of vacant houses
Rockledge 60
Franklin 2021
Trevose 116
Ewing 953
Swarthmore 152
Franconia 20
Folcroft 121
Hopewell 376
Woodbury 463
East Windsor 596
Millbourne 55
Pleasant Plains 42
Newtown Grant 32
Evesham 784

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Rubino Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Franklin 439900
Trevose 404200
Ewing 237200
Franconia 395900
Hopewell 561500
Woodbury 815500
East Windsor 414300
Newtown Grant 659500
Evesham 354200

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Rubino Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Rockledge 60
Franklin 799
Trevose 70
Ewing 577
Swarthmore 355
Franconia 141
Folcroft 9
Hopewell 573
Woodbury 225
East Windsor 305
Millbourne 15
Pleasant Plains 55
Newtown Grant 36
Evesham 836

Number of blacks in places near by Rubino Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of blacks
Rockledge 5
Franklin 16371
Trevose 272
Ewing 10886
Swarthmore 305
Franconia 213
Folcroft 1607
Hopewell 836
Woodbury 2877
East Windsor 2238
Millbourne 180
Pleasant Plains 129
Newtown Grant 11
Evesham 2319