Statistics & Research about East Norriton,PA - Sidney Sacks Agency

Here are some statistics & research about East Norriton,PA an area served by Sidney Sacks Agency

Phone : 610-270-9180

Real estate research for area nearby Sidney Sacks Agency

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Westville 165,600 828 6
Baumstown 110,000 881 9.6
East Lansdowne 149,100 930 7.5
Uwchlan 357,100 1228 4.1
Trooper 315,600 1359 5.2
Halfway House 244,000 1329 6.5
Trainer 116,400 982 10.1
Hereford 205,600 950 5.5
Delaware County 236,600 952 4.8
East Marlborough 426,800 1500 4.2

Number of whites in places near by Sidney Sacks Agency

Place name Number of whites
Westville 3573
Baumstown 340
East Lansdowne 899
Uwchlan 16267
Trooper 5220
Halfway House 3179
Trainer 1473
Hereford 2813
Delaware County 407100
East Marlborough 6548
Cherry Hill Mall 10000
Morgantown 1049
Media 4258
Beckett 3748
East Coventry 6176

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by Sidney Sacks Agency

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Westville 759
Baumstown 82
East Lansdowne 393
Uwchlan 1920
Trooper 776
Halfway House 515
Trainer 411
Hereford 633
Delaware County 98407
East Marlborough 969
Cherry Hill Mall 1919
Morgantown 179
Media 781
Beckett 1118
East Coventry 1199

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Sidney Sacks Agency

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Uwchlan 436900
Trooper 415000
Halfway House 272500
Hereford 255600
Delaware County 406800
East Marlborough 389700
Media 471400
Beckett 375900
East Coventry 319400

Number of new houses in places near by Sidney Sacks Agency

Place name Number of new houses
Delaware County 549500
East Coventry 240400