Statistics & Research about Spring House,PA - Smith Insurance Associates Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Spring House,PA an area served by Smith Insurance Associates Inc

Phone : 215-542-5959

Real estate research for area nearby Smith Insurance Associates Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Folcroft 124,300 994 9.6
Churchville 437,400 2001 5.5
North Coventry 252,300 883 4.2
Royersford 205,400 861 5.0
Ardmore 293,000 1170 4.8
Ardencroft 316,000 1000 3.8
Upper Providence 327,100 1170 4.3
West Conshohocken 318,800 1486 5.6
Runnemede 182,100 837 5.5
Limerick 289,200 1313 5.4

Number of whites in places near by Smith Insurance Associates Inc

Place name Number of whites
Folcroft 4596
Churchville 3999
North Coventry 7192
Royersford 4081
Ardmore 10212
Ardencroft 214
Upper Providence 18644
West Conshohocken 1208
Runnemede 7469
Limerick 16476
Nether Providence 11724
Darby 1691
DeSales University 859
Upper Uwchlan 8844
West Pikeland 3896

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Smith Insurance Associates Inc

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Folcroft 131300
Churchville 383000
North Coventry 227900
Royersford 230300
Ardmore 243400
Ardencroft 275000
Upper Providence 268900
West Conshohocken 243800
Runnemede 177200
Limerick 202000
Nether Providence 398800
Darby 96000
West Pikeland 293800

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by Smith Insurance Associates Inc

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
Churchville 587500
North Coventry 309900
Royersford 248000
Ardencroft 425000
Upper Providence 418200
West Conshohocken 384100
Runnemede 225000
Limerick 265400
Nether Providence 280200
Upper Uwchlan 459900
West Pikeland 458600