Statistics & Research about Levittown,PA - Sterling Insurance Agency Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Levittown,PA an area served by Sterling Insurance Agency Inc

Phone : 215-949-3700

Car dealers nearby Sterling Insurance Agency Inc

Bristol Auto Mall

Bristol Auto Mall 7400 Bristol Pike Levittown, PA 19057
Phone: 215-486-5002

Levittown Auto

Levittown Auto 4033 New Rodgers Rd.Levittown,PA,19056 PH215-547-9494
Phone: 215-547-9494

Real estate research for area nearby Sterling Insurance Agency Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Mount Holly 199,800 1091 6.6
West Freehold 381,700 1271 4.0
Radnor 606,300 1368 2.7
Belle Mead 479200 NA NA
Lakehurst 216,800 1426 7.9
Northampton 404,100 1400 4.2
Pine Hill 163,800 897 6.6
Haddon Heights 281,900 1015 4.3
Blawenburg 1000001 NA NA
Whittingham 302100 NA NA

Number of whites in places near by Sterling Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of whites
Mount Holly 6004
West Freehold 12538
Radnor 27347
Belle Mead 127
Lakehurst 2151
Northampton 37479
Pine Hill 7026
Haddon Heights 6966
Blawenburg 249
Whittingham 2271
Ardmore 10212
Millbourne 277
Rockledge 2418
Westampton 5354
Turnersville 3252

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Sterling Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Mount Holly 811
West Freehold 1298
Radnor 2079
Belle Mead 24
Lakehurst 256
Northampton 1352
Pine Hill 845
Haddon Heights 553
Whittingham 1062
Ardmore 1137
Millbourne 248
Rockledge 265
Westampton 411
Turnersville 16

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Sterling Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Mount Holly 609
West Freehold 473
Radnor 1707
Lakehurst 124
Northampton 689
Pine Hill 956
Haddon Heights 232
Whittingham 29
Ardmore 917
Millbourne 140
Rockledge 165
Westampton 85

Number of blacks in places near by Sterling Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of blacks
Mount Holly 2817
West Freehold 350
Radnor 1442
Lakehurst 249
Northampton 381
Pine Hill 2273
Haddon Heights 390
Whittingham 134
Ardmore 1473
Millbourne 180
Rockledge 5
Westampton 2106
Turnersville 87