Statistics & Research about Horsham,PA - Tri County Assurance Service Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Horsham,PA an area served by Tri County Assurance Service Inc

Phone : 215-443-7800

Car dealers nearby Tri County Assurance Service Inc

C&C Ford Sales,


Real estate research for area nearby Tri County Assurance Service Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Penn Wynne 359,400 1261 4.2
Woodbury 177,500 842 5.7
West Pikeland 497,800 1242 3.0
Parkside 152,500 911 7.2
Croydon 208,400 906 5.2
Upper Chichester 234,400 935 4.8
Moorestown 483,200 1169 2.9
Upper Milford 287,600 1313 5.5
North Coventry 252,300 883 4.2
National Park 177,700 1315 8.9

Number of old houses in places near by Tri County Assurance Service Inc

Place name Number of old houses
Penn Wynne 379100
Woodbury 173800
West Pikeland 578100
Parkside 168900
Croydon 178400
Upper Chichester 194300
Moorestown 361500
Upper Milford 269000
North Coventry 224500
National Park 160100
Radnor 582400
Phoenixville 187600
Alexandria 325900
Lower Makefield 619300

Number of vacant houses in places near by Tri County Assurance Service Inc

Place name Number of vacant houses
Penn Wynne 112
Woodbury 463
West Pikeland 66
Parkside 34
Croydon 361
Upper Chichester 274
Moorestown 520
Upper Milford 100
North Coventry 153
National Park 50
Radnor 772
Phoenixville 613
Alexandria 216
Lower Makefield 256

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Tri County Assurance Service Inc

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Penn Wynne 354300
Woodbury 169000
West Pikeland 293800
Parkside 147700
Croydon 223200
Upper Chichester 213700
Moorestown 447900
Upper Milford 226300
North Coventry 227900
National Park 163000
Radnor 603300
Phoenixville 170300
Alexandria 417600
Lower Makefield 422700
Oak Valley 196500

Number of blacks in places near by Tri County Assurance Service Inc

Place name Number of blacks
Penn Wynne 456
Woodbury 2877
West Pikeland 44
Parkside 293
Croydon 487
Upper Chichester 2298
Moorestown 1359
Upper Milford 4
North Coventry 345
National Park 57
Radnor 1442
Phoenixville 1321
Alexandria 15
Lower Makefield 666
Oak Valley 39